Monday, March 26, 2007


Drama. Definitely drama.
Someone’s hair caught fire just right in front of me. Here’s how the story goes.

5 mins before yoga class starts. All of us were waiting outside the studio patiently. One of the ladies leaned against the registration counter. Her hair was permed and she had it secured into a pony tail (something which most of us did so that our hair won’t get into our face during some of the poses).

Suddenly! Another lady cried out, “Miss!!! Your hair! Your hair!”.

She swirled around and tried to reach for it.

“You hair is on fire!”

There it was. Her hair was literally in flames (and smoke). And gosh! It did smell real bad (think along the line of burnt bulb filament).

All of us were amazed. The lady was shocked. The alarm raiser quickly used her towel to douse the flames. A small handful of it fell to the floor. Luckily, it was discovered in time and she wasn’t hurt. We wanted to laugh… it was simply too comical, too dramatic.

After recovering from her shock (and us from our amazement), we were ushered into the studio to start our class. The cause behind the drama? She had leaned against the lit candles on the registration counter… and because of her permed, dry hair… it caught fire within seconds.

Moving on for more drama…

After the class, I was supposed to head down to Taka for the Nokia Fashion Show. Damn! It was crowded and there was a long queue. Simply too hungry. Flew wanlin’s airplane and met up with Cheryl and PC for dinner at Heeren (Korean restaurant) instead. By the way, the food is only so-so.

Did another few hours of shopping before meeting up with Lenus, JacQ and Nick for ‘supper’ at Coffee Club Express. Lenus was telling us her fortune telling tale when lightening flashed across the sky and ghastly winds caught us by surprise. Her tale seemed fated for disruptions – from the waiters to the winds and the heavy rain. Guess it took more than one hour or her just to tell us her 10min tale.

The process? Entertaining.
Wish her luck in her list of 20s and her possible ‘entrepreneurship’ (^ _ ^)

By the way, I ate a lot that day!
