Vouage to Japan...
6个小时前,我们还在吃着美味的螃蟹。那也是我第一次吃Baby sotong。。。
3个小时前,我们又回到了一个dessert bar享用pastry 和pasta。
但一转眼, 再多8个小时左右,我便会在前往日本的旅途中。
感觉上好像在参加Amazing race 一样, 得不停的从一个地点跑到另一个地点。
虽然多次“享受” 过这样的过程,但毕竟这次只有我一人。
是挑战? 是兼熬? 一切都是自己选的。
是好是坏? 看来只有调整自己的心态才能找到令人满意的答案。
10 hours ago, we were still singing to our hearts’ content at the KTV lounge.
It was also the first time I ever sang a “Happy birthday’ tune to someone in a carpark.
6 hours ago, we were still digging in into delicious crabs.
It was also the first time I ever tasted Baby sotong…
3 hours ago, we went back to one of the dessert bars we’d visited before, to revisit the pastry and pasta.
But in the blink of an eye, in about 8 hours, I would be on my way to Japan.
Time really flies…in the blink of an eye, the day has come.
Uneasiness and fear.
The thought of missing the trains scares me.
Once missed, I would have to wait till the next dawn before another train is available. But this would also mean that my schedule in Japan would have to be cut short by one day.
It feels like I’m participating The Amazing Race – where I have to rush from one place to another.
Though I’m “accustomed” to this adreline, I’d never done it before alone.
A challenge? A disaster? It’s part of a decision I’d made.
For good or for worse? I guess I would have to change my perception in order to get a satisfactory answer.
But wouldn’t this be one of my objectives for traveling then?
Wish me luck!!!
6个小时前,我们还在吃着美味的螃蟹。那也是我第一次吃Baby sotong。。。
3个小时前,我们又回到了一个dessert bar享用pastry 和pasta。
但一转眼, 再多8个小时左右,我便会在前往日本的旅途中。
感觉上好像在参加Amazing race 一样, 得不停的从一个地点跑到另一个地点。
虽然多次“享受” 过这样的过程,但毕竟这次只有我一人。
是挑战? 是兼熬? 一切都是自己选的。
是好是坏? 看来只有调整自己的心态才能找到令人满意的答案。
10 hours ago, we were still singing to our hearts’ content at the KTV lounge.
It was also the first time I ever sang a “Happy birthday’ tune to someone in a carpark.
6 hours ago, we were still digging in into delicious crabs.
It was also the first time I ever tasted Baby sotong…
3 hours ago, we went back to one of the dessert bars we’d visited before, to revisit the pastry and pasta.
But in the blink of an eye, in about 8 hours, I would be on my way to Japan.
Time really flies…in the blink of an eye, the day has come.
Uneasiness and fear.
The thought of missing the trains scares me.
Once missed, I would have to wait till the next dawn before another train is available. But this would also mean that my schedule in Japan would have to be cut short by one day.
It feels like I’m participating The Amazing Race – where I have to rush from one place to another.
Though I’m “accustomed” to this adreline, I’d never done it before alone.
A challenge? A disaster? It’s part of a decision I’d made.
For good or for worse? I guess I would have to change my perception in order to get a satisfactory answer.
But wouldn’t this be one of my objectives for traveling then?
Wish me luck!!!
Labels: あの時の気持ち