按照一贯的安排,我和 Tanpopo (今年还多了Art的陪伴)又再一次结伴,一块儿到 Uma 的家去叙旧和庆祝这个节日。
过后便和 Cabbage さん会合,吃晚餐,以及到滨海湾参与“万人大家唱”活动。
本以为是个万人同唱流行音乐的活动。。。后来才发现是 Auntie/ Uncle KTV session。
虽然曲目时代久远,但我和 Cabbage さん都还蛮懂得自得其乐的。
例如:Cabbage さん 被迎面而来的巨大气球砸到以及发现原来 Auntie/ Uncle 也可以很 “happening” (她们居然起立,随着音乐摇摆和高昌)!
It’s Deepavali again! Met up with Tanpopo (this time we had Art with us as well) and headed down to Uma’s – as per what we usually do on Deepavali.
After which, I met up with Cabbage さん for dinner before heading down to Marina Barrage for this massive outdoor KTV event. Well, kinda felt that we were “conned” into this.
We’d originally thought that we’ll be singing mainstream/ pop music at this event with the other 10,000 people. But we soon realized that it was a KTV event for the aunties and uncles instead. Thus explains why there were only oldies (including some Hokkien and Cantonese songs) on the ktv list.
It was a good thing that we both have some sense of humor in us and we kinda just clowned our way through. And it was also amusing to see that the aunties and uncles can be quite “happening” too! For instance, they actually stood up and danced to the music – something which I could hardly imagine before attending this event. Hahaha. Perhaps it was just like what my colleague said, “they were once young too, like you and me… and we’ll be them in some years to come.”
SCARY… can’t imagine myself still jumping and dancing about at concerts when I hit 50s.
按照一贯的安排,我和 Tanpopo (今年还多了Art的陪伴)又再一次结伴,一块儿到 Uma 的家去叙旧和庆祝这个节日。
过后便和 Cabbage さん会合,吃晚餐,以及到滨海湾参与“万人大家唱”活动。
本以为是个万人同唱流行音乐的活动。。。后来才发现是 Auntie/ Uncle KTV session。
虽然曲目时代久远,但我和 Cabbage さん都还蛮懂得自得其乐的。
例如:Cabbage さん 被迎面而来的巨大气球砸到以及发现原来 Auntie/ Uncle 也可以很 “happening” (她们居然起立,随着音乐摇摆和高昌)!
It’s Deepavali again! Met up with Tanpopo (this time we had Art with us as well) and headed down to Uma’s – as per what we usually do on Deepavali.
After which, I met up with Cabbage さん for dinner before heading down to Marina Barrage for this massive outdoor KTV event. Well, kinda felt that we were “conned” into this.
We’d originally thought that we’ll be singing mainstream/ pop music at this event with the other 10,000 people. But we soon realized that it was a KTV event for the aunties and uncles instead. Thus explains why there were only oldies (including some Hokkien and Cantonese songs) on the ktv list.
It was a good thing that we both have some sense of humor in us and we kinda just clowned our way through. And it was also amusing to see that the aunties and uncles can be quite “happening” too! For instance, they actually stood up and danced to the music – something which I could hardly imagine before attending this event. Hahaha. Perhaps it was just like what my colleague said, “they were once young too, like you and me… and we’ll be them in some years to come.”
SCARY… can’t imagine myself still jumping and dancing about at concerts when I hit 50s.
Labels: With friends 友達と