Monday, November 01, 2010

25th Oct (Mon) - Copenhagen

Did nothing much today. By the time I'd reached and checked into the hostel, it's already 1pm.

So I headed off to a nearby cafe (recommended by both the hostel and the young traveller's guide) for lunch --> Tjili Pop...

... before heading down to Osterport station, in search of the Little Mermaid.

After walking through a lovely park, I finally found the place where the Little Mermaid resides.

But hey! She was nowhere in sight!

KNS. Apparently she's touring in Shanghai for the Shanghai Expo 2010 and won't be back till December this year. WARAOZ... I came all the way but she's away.

Anywayz, I decided to head over to Vesterport Station after that and took a long, slow stroll from the City Hall and into the shopping streets.

That's when I chanced upon the North Face shop and went crazy over there. Damage to my pockets was probably around 500 SGD. I dare not think nor see the bill when I'm back. But it's money well-spent as I got myself a triclimate jacket, a cozy scarf (the current one that I'm using belongs to Tuk), another base layer and a can of washing powder for water-repellent or water resistant clothings.

At night, I got so tired (and also because I'm broke by this time) that I just settled for yogurt and milk for dinner. Food's expensive in Denmark. And the tax on items alone was 13%. Waraoz... glad I'm only here for a day before I head over to Iceland. (^ _ ^)

And here are the random shots as per usual:
