Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ARGHHHHHHH!!! #!?*&^%$@?!

Source: http://weheartit.com/entry/1698693

I always try to remind myself, "Don't let it get to you, no matter what".
But you know, sometimes it's just so hard not to, and it's so easy for that reminder to just slip out of your mind 'o so conveniently. There's just sooooo many things in life (at least in mine) that can easily spark off that nasty sentiment within you - be it work, be it friends, be it family, be it the scent, be it the touch, be it the colour, be it whatever.

So here I am, rambling on like a 14-year-old scowling brat.
Darn! #!?*&^%$@?!
And to hell with the unpleasentries from work. #!?*&^%$@?!

I'll just cross my fingers and hope that “明天会更好“ (tomorrow will be better).
