Sunday, March 07, 2010


Sometimes, I just wish sometimes, I have the ability to make people forget things; so that I can do bad things (but none of criminal offense) or run away for some time and not get into any kind of trouble. Sometimes, I just get oh so tired of being me - trying to fit into the roles that people around me expect me to be in - (1) an obedient daughter (ok, I must admit. I'm not exactly obedient but nor am I rotten as well) who doesn't get knocked up before marriage, doesn't do drugs, no criminal inclination, study well, get a good job, be filial, travel in comfort aka style and not get bundled up with this whole messy idea of solo backpacking (2) the patient other-half who will wait another few years (3) whatever other roles I'm expected to play in the eyes of the others, depending on the situation(s). Sometimes, I just want/need to be extremely selfish (and in the process, unwillingly cruel to those around me) and live my own life. Though I may not know exactly what I want, I do know what I don't want. I mean honestly, there's a whole bunch of us out there with such thoughts right? We can't all be dictators of our own lives all the time - except for those blasted lucky few. Sometimes. Just sometimes. The thought is oh so tempting. Maybe I should start searching for a krytonite tonight. But hell. Come to think of it, there ain't no mountain nor spaceship in Singapore. Period. It's too small to even house a comet if it ever comes falling through the skies. This tiny island will be wiped out. Not to mention, I'll be one of the species listed in the "Extinct Singapore" listing. Perhaps I should bet my dollar on finding an Aladdin lamp instead and then wish for a krytonite. Sheesh. What crap.
