Sunday, March 07, 2010

The thing about soul mates that i'm beginning to think that its very existence is nothing but a myth. You know, pretty much like the legendary Loch Ness monster? Some people claimed to have seen it or have had a close encounter with it, while many others have spent at least a portion of their lives scouting for it. For me, I'd done both. I.e.: in search of the Loch Ness Monster (aka Nessie) when I was backpacking in Scotland, and keeping my eyes open for my soul mate (whoever he/ she is, assuming I do have one somewhere in this universe). But both remained as elusive as ever to me. Fact or fiction? I can't decide. My best hope for now is to wish upon a star and "pray" for a miracle to happen. Well, a girl can only dream, can't I?
