Monday, March 14, 2011

A sneak peek @ my pre-wedding photos

What an early start to a weekend morning. Woke up at 5am and had the stylist in (my house) by 5.30am, fussing over my make-up and my hairdo. Took almost 1.5hrs to get both done. Yes. Freaking 1.5hrs. But at least I looked sort of pretty. So that's cool. The stylist also helped applied some make-up and etc on Tuk as well, so that he looked less lethargic.

At 7am sharp, the mini-bus uncle came and picked both of us up (together with our trolley of props), headed over to Bishan J8 to pick up our five photographers (Yajun, Chee Wei, Victor, Celeste & Ken) and helper (Shiau Hui), before heading over to our first location for our pre-wedding shoot...

All in all, we went to about 3 places - White Rabbit @ Harding Road, Henderson Wave and National Museum of Singapore.

The shoot went on pretty much without a hitch except for when we were at National Museum of Singapore taking photos, quite a handful of tourists took a pix of me - some had politely asked for permission while some tried (but failed miserably) to take pix of me from a distance 'discreetly'.

I was told by some that I looked "pretty" while some others mentioned "gorgeous". Whereas I personally thought that my make-up was a little too thick and the crew seconded the thought that I didn't really look like myself. Oh gee... I'm not sure if I should smile or wallow in self-pity. Well, at least the 1.5hrs was not for naught.

The actual photos ain't ready yet but here's a few peek shots that Tuk and Shiau Hui took using their iPhone :)
