Bowling!!! (^ - ^)
Went bowling last Friday with a bunch of friends... supposed to be a lot more of them but alas!!! Guess it has always been so. It's so diff to gather in full force these days.
BTW, back to the bowling stuff.... first time I managed to score 80 plus. Okie.. I know I'm still very far from the 100th mark. Gosh!!! I really need to practice more. Had quite a great time seeing my ball rolling into the gutter... or missing a strike juz by one or two pins.
Had also had a fright when the girl next lane literally THREW the ball. Damn... almost thought I'll suffer from heart attack.

Been very health conscious these days. Juz bought myself a bottle of Omega 3-6-9 softgel pills. Heard from the sales girl that Omega 3 is good for the heart, while Omega 6 is more for balancing the hormones (and also better complexion), and Omega 9 is a mineral that can convert into Omega 3 when needed. Hmmm... very cheam.. dunno true a not. In any case, each slimy pill is abt 3 cm long (the biggest pill i ever swallow). Smells exactly like a raw fish extract... Yewwwwwww.... haiz. But I guess I just have to bear with it.
Heard that cranberry juice is great for minimising the risk of contracting involuntary loss of urinary control while red wine reduces the risk of ovarian cancer (damn... hate that taste... can barely even finish half a glass). Dunno true a not.. Will have to do a lot of research on these...
Thinking of taking up yoga... but im afraid I wont even get past the basics. Have it ever occur to you whether you should still do Yoga during your menses? Hmmm... i guess that will be extremely uncomfortable.
How come menses don't finish in just a day but spread over seven days? Why can't we have it in just one day so that we can stay at home and squat in the toilet rather than having to worry over a span of seven days on whether we stain our clothes? Damn... lucky guys.
BTW, back to the bowling stuff.... first time I managed to score 80 plus. Okie.. I know I'm still very far from the 100th mark. Gosh!!! I really need to practice more. Had quite a great time seeing my ball rolling into the gutter... or missing a strike juz by one or two pins.
Had also had a fright when the girl next lane literally THREW the ball. Damn... almost thought I'll suffer from heart attack.

Been very health conscious these days. Juz bought myself a bottle of Omega 3-6-9 softgel pills. Heard from the sales girl that Omega 3 is good for the heart, while Omega 6 is more for balancing the hormones (and also better complexion), and Omega 9 is a mineral that can convert into Omega 3 when needed. Hmmm... very cheam.. dunno true a not. In any case, each slimy pill is abt 3 cm long (the biggest pill i ever swallow). Smells exactly like a raw fish extract... Yewwwwwww.... haiz. But I guess I just have to bear with it.
Heard that cranberry juice is great for minimising the risk of contracting involuntary loss of urinary control while red wine reduces the risk of ovarian cancer (damn... hate that taste... can barely even finish half a glass). Dunno true a not.. Will have to do a lot of research on these...
Thinking of taking up yoga... but im afraid I wont even get past the basics. Have it ever occur to you whether you should still do Yoga during your menses? Hmmm... i guess that will be extremely uncomfortable.
How come menses don't finish in just a day but spread over seven days? Why can't we have it in just one day so that we can stay at home and squat in the toilet rather than having to worry over a span of seven days on whether we stain our clothes? Damn... lucky guys.
Labels: With friends 友達と