Sunday, March 27, 2011

Seeing double?


Friday, March 25, 2011

Snapshots of March (^ - ^)

18th March: Team dinner @ New Harbour, followed by a crazy 5.5-hr ktv session @ Party World Liang Court :)

19th March: Sun rays captured @ Tanah Merah MRT station

19th March: Rainbow spotted @ EXPO

22nd March: Home-cooked dinner @ Victor's. Yummy!

24th March: @ Work - Sweet gifts from a sweetie :)

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Sunday, March 20, 2011


Here's Tuk trying to figure out what button to press so that the leg rest will come down and he can get out!

Well, the background to the above pix is:

Just this past Thursday, the gang met up @ Raffles City's Sushi Tei for Akong's homecoming from Japan (glad that he made it back safely and unscathed by the 9.0 earthquake) and Jac's bd celebration. After dinner (around 10.30pm), a few of us (namely me, Cheryl, Jac, Zhihui, Wanlin and Tuk) decided to hop onto Cheryl's car and head down to Holland V. for some tea. We were all tired and majority of us had to work the next day as well. But heck. It's been quite some time that we do something random. So we decided to go for it.

But just before we hit the road, Cheryl suddenly commented that she felt like singing KTV at that moment. And that sentiment was then seconded by Jac, followed by the rest of us. So within seconds, we reserved a slot at Party World (Liang Court) and headed over there immediately.

Upon reaching the place, Jac was so busy in picking out a soft toy (as a form of redeeming her KTV membership points) that all of us had to stand around and wait for her to be done before we could proceed over to the room to start our "kill chicken" session.

It was then that Tuk spotted the massage chair and decided to hop on (since he's a "old" man with body aches). He happily reclined the massage chair and began his massage. Unfortunately for Tuk, Jac was suddenly done with her selection (she chose a fur dropping Hello Kitty) and in a bid to catch up with us, he scrambled to get up only to find himself trapped in the seat in an reclined position. Ha!

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Monday, March 14, 2011

A sneak peek @ my pre-wedding photos

What an early start to a weekend morning. Woke up at 5am and had the stylist in (my house) by 5.30am, fussing over my make-up and my hairdo. Took almost 1.5hrs to get both done. Yes. Freaking 1.5hrs. But at least I looked sort of pretty. So that's cool. The stylist also helped applied some make-up and etc on Tuk as well, so that he looked less lethargic.

At 7am sharp, the mini-bus uncle came and picked both of us up (together with our trolley of props), headed over to Bishan J8 to pick up our five photographers (Yajun, Chee Wei, Victor, Celeste & Ken) and helper (Shiau Hui), before heading over to our first location for our pre-wedding shoot...

All in all, we went to about 3 places - White Rabbit @ Harding Road, Henderson Wave and National Museum of Singapore.

The shoot went on pretty much without a hitch except for when we were at National Museum of Singapore taking photos, quite a handful of tourists took a pix of me - some had politely asked for permission while some tried (but failed miserably) to take pix of me from a distance 'discreetly'.

I was told by some that I looked "pretty" while some others mentioned "gorgeous". Whereas I personally thought that my make-up was a little too thick and the crew seconded the thought that I didn't really look like myself. Oh gee... I'm not sure if I should smile or wallow in self-pity. Well, at least the 1.5hrs was not for naught.

The actual photos ain't ready yet but here's a few peek shots that Tuk and Shiau Hui took using their iPhone :)


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pretty nail extensions that came with a price...

In view of my pre-wedding photo shoot, I decided to do something that I've never, ever done before. Nail extension + nail art. My nails turned out pretty, but came at a price of course and not to mention the inconvenience experienced. I couldn't feel my finger tips after doing the nail extensions. Even simple tasks like buttoning up or zipping up, and removing a card from my wallet became such a chore. I never felt that as handicapped. Gee~ this would be the one and only time I would ever have nail extension. Once is more than enough for me. Sigh.

*P.S.: I spent close to 2.5hrs in the nail salon just to get the nail extensions and nail art done. Lesson learned. After my pre-wedding shoot was over, I took a cab down to the salon and removed the nail extensions immediately. I'm just SO glad that I got my actual fingernails back!


Monday, March 07, 2011

The princess' 2nd birthday


Cake from Cupcake Divinity

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Sunday, March 06, 2011

JJ Lin - "I AM" concert @ S'pore Indoor Stadium

JJ 不愧是位实力派歌手。就因如此,我对演唱会的要求更为苛刻。
他的好嗓门及歌唱技巧实在是让人没话说,除了赞赏的话之外,我实在是想不到有什么好让人挑剔的。可是在于演唱会的各种环节,编排和时间方面,却有待进步。例如:该早一些放烟火好让整个气氛更 high,曲目方面的编排(应该拿掉和演唱会不对调的“猫熊”歌),串场应该顺利些(有好几段的 silence 实在太久了。。。 让我还以为发生了什么事),JJ 在唱快歌时,音乐应该小声点而他的 mic 的声量反而该大声点。。。 希望这些缺点能在他下一次的演唱会上一一纠正过来。

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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Cute booth @ Plaza Sing.

(^ _ ^) Chanced upon this kawaii booth @ Plaza Sing (level 2) and got ourselves two kawaii plush! I got the rabbit with stars (refer to 2nd pix) and Tuk got the chimp in grey giraffe prints (refer to 3rd pix where the chimp's head got "cut off").

P.S.: Apparently, this is not the only place that's selling these cute plush. You can find them in selected Action City branches as well. Sigh~ I'm such a sucker for such stuff. I think I have pretty much enough "animals" to open a mini plush zoo. So to all my friends out there, DO NOT attempt to give me any more plush toys please~~!


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